Thank you for reaching out!
We welcome your questions, feedback, and emails. If you have questions about our offerings, customer support needs, or want to inquire about 1 on 1 companioning, please fill out the form below.
If you’re having technical problems with Mighty Networks, we encourage you to reach out to Mighty Networks themselves – they offer wonderful customer support and usually respond within an hour.
We’re a wee company and work at a human scale. We do our best to return emails and phone calls within 1-2 business days, but sometimes, it takes longer.
Kindly note that we don’t offer coaching or consulting by email.
Media or partnership requests
If you have a media request, please fill out this form here. If you’re interested in collaborating on a project, want to meet with me, or would like to invite me to be a part of a telesummit, please use this form here.
To reach us by phone
Please call +1 888-297-7076.
How we respond to your stories
We love hearing from you and treasure your stories, wisdom, and vulnerability. We read your emails and feel moved by your courage and heart.
Your words are graciously received and held in reverence. And your sharing weaves its way into every offering – newsletter, book, course, class, podcast – we send out back to you.
I’d love to offer a personal reply to each of you in return, or sit around a camp fire alongside you, receiving your story with wood smoke, fire light, and tea. But I’m unable to personally respond to each email with the care it deserves.
While I may not personally answer, your stories are read, and they feed our mission. Thank you for being a part of our collected story of growing into greater kindness, the inbreath and outbreath we wish for ourselves, each other, and our world.
Warmly, Karly and the Growing Humankindness team