Emerge: Create a New Habit
This class is for you if you overuse sugar for stress relief, to care for your emotions, or to self regulate and want help to transition into a no or […]
Gentle support to soften overeating and eat less sugar
This class is for you if you overuse sugar for stress relief, to care for your emotions, or to self regulate and want help to transition into a no or […]
In this signature workshop, you'll learn why and how food can become a substitute attachment - a place of soothing, regulation, connection, and attunement - and not just a 'bad […]
Friends, this is a chance for you to get support as you work your way through our home study offerings. Where are you getting stuck? Where do you need help? Is there a victory or challenge you want to share? Bring your questions, challenges, and insights to these group calls. We're here to help! The […]
Friends, this is my favorite class to facilitate, and one that's perfect for you if you're needing rest from the 'work' of healing. The Book of Love is a playful, art based class to reconnect to your wholeness: to birth the deeper story that lives underneath our experiences of loss, disconnection, rupture and trauma. In […]
We can have so many complex feelings about our bodies - love, joy, fear, appreciation, disgust, grief, resignation. Our relationships with our bodies are rich and multi-faceted! There are the things we treasure - what our bodies experience, hold, and do. There are the ways our bodies just are - this temporary house for the […]
If you use sugar to self soothe, to care for painful emotions, or to comfort yourself when you're stressed, the holidays may be an especially difficult time for you. In this four part class, you'll learn how to use presence, self compassion and grief to unhook from painful patterns with sugar. Presence and compassion create […]