Gentle support to soften overeating and eat less sugar

Small group intensive: Nurturing the Inner Mother

Our small group intensive is for our beloved alumni who want to come together in a small group to nurture spaces of inner ‘mothering’ within themselves – to create an internal refuge of warmth, welcome, compassion and courage. Over a year’s time, we come together to deepen the healing you began in When Food is […]

Book of Love – 2021 class

When we experience heartache, hardship, or pain, or when we struggle with something long term like illness or trauma, it’s easy to feel like ‘damaged goods’ – like there’s something wrong with us. Our struggles can become the lens through which we see ourselves, coloring our perceptions and beliefs about who we are. In the […]

When Food is Your Mother – 2021 class

For many people, overeating and binge eating are not just “bad” habits or coping strategies but emotional bonds – a 'mother' that they turn to for comfort, holding, soothing, regulation, and nurturing. Self soothing with food is a well intentioned coping mechanism to feel safe, secure and connected in the face of isolation, intense emotions, […]

Kick Sugar Summit 2022

Join me and sugar and nutrition experts Dr. Julia Ross, Dr. Robert Lustig, Dr. Susan Peirce of Bright Line Eating, and more for this year's sugar summit. My talk on Healing the Emotional Roots of Sugar Addiction is on day 7, September 7th.

When Food is Your Mother – 2022 class

For many people, overeating and binge eating are not just “bad” habits or coping strategies but emotional bonds – a ‘mother’ that they turn to for comfort, holding, soothing, regulation, and nurturing. Self soothing with food is a well intentioned coping mechanism to feel safe, secure and connected in the face of isolation, intense emotions, […]

Emerge: Create a New Habit

If you overuse sugar for stress relief, to care for your emotions, or to self regulate, this course will help you change your eating habits with gentleness and insight. You’ll receive daily emotional support and learn how to apply self compassion to the process of habit change, so you can create more nourishing self talk […]
