A friend of mine told me a story about his grandmother, a tough as nails farmer who held onto the farm for years after her loved ones had passed. As a teenager, he'd visit her house for the summer, and he remembered the piles of food she cooked for … [Read more]
Tracing the link between your nervous system and food
Over the past 30 years, our understanding of trauma has broadened and deepened, especially as we developed the technology to gain a window into the brain. One of these understandings is polyvagal theory - a theory that makes sense of our autonomic … [Read more]
Tracking the two different types of cravings
One of the topics that came up in the Soften a Sugar Habit with Presence, Compassion and Grief class this week is the nervous system, and the impact a dysregulated nervous system can have on our patterns with food. When our nervous systems feel … [Read more]
When you use food to regulate your nervous system
This month a group has been going through When Food is Your Mother, our signature class. In this class we explore how food can serve as a substitute 'mother' that attunes to our needs, concerns, stressors, and anxieties. Food hears our pain, cares … [Read more]
Letting anxiety ‘rest for a while’
These last few weeks we've been talking about the map of healing and how to be with the anxiety that arises when we face our wounds. You could argue that anxiety is the most common driver of overeating. When our nervous system is alarmed, and we … [Read more]
When you feel anxious or frustrated about being ‘incomplete,’ broken or behind
In my last newsletter I talked about the map of healing from food compulsions and how you're not carrying your healing, rather, your healing is carrying you. Many of you wrote to tell me how this newsletter spoke to you. It seems so many of us … [Read more]