You’ve been feeling fine all day. And then all of a sudden, wham! You’re having craving overload. Have you ever feel suddenly ‘stirred-up’ like that?
How can you soften food or sugar cravings that come on in the moment and take you by surprise? If you’re not sure what’s behind sudden cravings, or what’s driving it, here’s how you might choose to respond.
I unpacked this phenomenon during a webinar I hosted about my When Food Is Your Mother class. In the class, a woman asked this question:
Susan’s question: “I could be going along not thinking about food or experiencing anything bad, and then all of a sudden on comes a craving. There can be no emotion in the prior moment, but then the emotion comes on full force as I try not to give into the cravings. Is there a series of questions I can ask myself or a process I can apply to what I’m really hungry for when it doesn’t seem as if a need is presenting itself?”
I explain in this post’s video / audio:
- Why a “heady” or analytical process, with a series of questions, may not serve you
- Why you must acknowledge what’s coming up and identify the feeling that’s there
- How my own momentum in healing came from allowing myself to feel, rather than analytical approaches
If you’d like to explore an emotional route to healing food compulsion, I invite you to explore my course When Food is Your Mother.
I believe that sugar addiction is the biggest addiction we have in our country. Whatever food our taste buds have gotten used to in childhood becomes the food we crave.