In the last part of our When Food is Your Mother online training we’re going to be talking about Changing How you Grow.
This is important because often we’re filled with a lot of frustration, alarm/anxiety or discouragement about our painful patterns with food. These emotions can get stuck and impede the growth process – we fight against ourselves rather than coming alongside.
When we come alongside in support, there is more levity, compassion, and trust.
Instead of doing the same thing (that doesn’t work) over and over and getting stuck, we try something new! We adapt.
New ideas and new ways of responding arise.
Perhaps you bring in some humor and levity to soften resistance, frustration and the “you can’t make me” and “I don’t want to” voices.
Perhaps you bring in play to move intense emotional energies, like the intense energy of frustration, criticism, or craving.
You may bring in structures, rituals, routines and boundaries – what I call scaffolding – where you’re needing shoring and support.
Things begin to move and flow, and ease. Learn more by kindly watching the video below. Enjoy!
Thank you so much for your 3 helpful emails. I’m sincerely 😉 glad that you have developed this approach. I especially like the way you relate the Predator /protector idea to our reactions to cravings. I’m gradually able practice your useful and enlightening info in your previous courses, and have ceased to binge! ? I do still overeat at times, and forget to connect. At the moment I feel content with your earlier courses which are enhanced by the info on these emails. Thank you ?
Hi Susanna,
How nice to hear from you! I’m glad the 3 emails and courses have been of good use to you on your journey and that you are feeling content with where you are. That’s a sweet spot to be in.
Many have shared how viewing their vulnerability as something to protect rather than something to attack/criticize/take advantage helps them feel more compassionate towards themselves – and is much more empowering. I’m glad it spoke to you, too.
Tad Hargrave, of Marketing for Hippies, is where I first heard someone talk about the difference between the predator and protector. So I tip my hat to him!
Thank you for writing!
Just one question never mentioned God ……reason why Enjoyed lots of good info Thank you
Hi Gail, I’m glad you enjoyed this post. Yes – spiritual support and practices can also be a great help when relating to all these inner parts of ourselves. Thank you for mentioning this!