In my last few blog posts, I’ve been talking about what it means to use food as a mother. I’m writing this series so that you can have more clarity about whether When Food is Your Mother is a good fit for you, as well as to give you a taste of the … [Read more]
Softening mother hunger
In many places around the world, this weekend is Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day can bring up a mix of many feelings – gratitude, joy, forgiveness, appreciation, or grief. There may be anger or sadness about a present or past relationship with a mother … [Read more]
Softening the fear and frustration of overeating
Like a sturdy riverbank, loving relationship is a holding container - a "womb" that allows emotions to be held, expressed and to drain. This draining and "holding" is partly what we're seeking in food when we overeat. Frustration – and its cousins … [Read more]
Healing is a change of heart
Over the past few months, I've been writing and sharing what has become a mantra: that binge eating, overeating and other food compulsions are healed through relationship – through connection. Many of you have written to ask – this sounds so … [Read more]
The healing gift of “neediness”
Several years ago, a few months into a long Montana winter, my friend Rob taught me how to play cribbage. Cribbage was a tradition at our small town’s coffee shop, a way to enjoy the cold winter days, and Rob taught everyone who walked through … [Read more]
Moving out of powerlessness and helplessness with food
Because overeating can feel so painful and frustrating, it’s easy to feel victimized by it. When we feel victimized by something, we tend to feel powerless, ashamed, and often deeply frightened. You may experience this as a sense of terror or … [Read more]