If you've gotten stuck in eating disorders, a food compulsion, or a sugar addiction, and you've been working really hard, trying to fix yourself, I invite you to lay that burden down. You do not need to fix yourself to heal, grow or … [Read more]
Gentle support to soften overeating and eat less sugar
If you've gotten stuck in eating disorders, a food compulsion, or a sugar addiction, and you've been working really hard, trying to fix yourself, I invite you to lay that burden down. You do not need to fix yourself to heal, grow or … [Read more]
If you’re trying to make sense of food compulsions like overeating, binge eating, night bingeing and sugar seeking, a fresh perspective might make all the difference. Most approaches to overeating focus on these four things: Healing … [Read more]
Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson One of the hardest things about feeling stuck in painful sugar habits is that we can’t force ourselves to change. We can only grow out of them. This is incredibly humbling … [Read more]
Friends, this article is the first public writing I did about the connection between attachment theory, human development, and overeating. As I explored the roots of overeating, I wondered: could overeating, like other addictions, be connected to … [Read more]