Over the years, many men and women have asked me a version of this question: “I keep looking for something in the food. I keep hoping. I keep searching. But what am I searching for?” It’s a great question, and one that points to our deepest … [Read more]
What to do when you feel powerless and collapse into overeating
When you’re in a grounded, secure emotional space, it’s easy to say no to the impulse to binge, overeat, restrict, or purge. But what happens when you feel powerless, hopeless, or helpless? When you’re in this emotional space, you can believe you’ll … [Read more]
Soothing the panic of mistakes
Once you make a mistake with food – like emotional eating, eating too many calories, or eating a “bad” food – it can feel like all is lost. You may lose your balance and move into a “what the hell” space. This hopeless space can result in a binge, … [Read more]
What’s missing from 4 common solutions to overeating
If you’re trying to make sense of food compulsions like overeating, binge eating, night bingeing and sugar seeking, a fresh perspective might make all the difference. Most approaches to overeating focus on these four things: Healing … [Read more]
The link between attachment, human development, and overeating
Friends, this article is the first public writing I did about the connection between attachment theory, human development, and overeating. As I explored the roots of overeating, I wondered: could overeating, like other addictions, be connected to … [Read more]