In my last post, I wrote about a common frustration that occurs for nearly everyone when they’re healing their relationship with food – the energy of falling into collapse. When this happens, feelings of strength, optimism, or “I can do this!” … [Read more]
How to eat less sugar without ‘white knuckling it’
If you struggle with eating too much sugar or a sugar addiction, or if you simply want to transition into a low sugar diet, you may need to set some internal boundaries around how much sugar you eat. To do that, you need to gently, kindly and … [Read more]
Soothing the panic of mistakes
Once you make a mistake with food – like emotional eating, eating too many calories, or eating a “bad” food – it can feel like all is lost. You may lose your balance and move into a “what the hell” space. This hopeless space can result in a binge, … [Read more]